Monday, June 15, 2009


We took a walking tour of Rethymnon, the city we're staying in while we're on the island of Crete. My favorite part was this pastry making couple. They didn't speak much English, but they showed us a short documentary someone had done on their shop, and demonstrated some of their techniques. We all got backlava to eat! (as if I haven't had too much already)

(above) a shop selling things made from olive wood.

After the walking tour, I took my own shopping tour. I wandered in and out of anywhere that pleased me. I sat and ate banana-nutella crepes for lunch. It's shocking how many little crepes places are here--You'd think we were in France. Eating alone in a restaurant felt awkward at first. But I was glad I hadn't brought a book to retreat into; I watched passersby while I ate slowly, soaking in the flavor of Cretan life.

I returned with flipflops, a new bikini, a used paperback book (I traded one of the ones I brought with me!) and contentment from having an afternoon to wander wherever I pleased.

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